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Sunday, November 29, 2015

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Apps for MSUD? Yes!
Yes there is an app for MSUD and for many other metabolic syndromes! I was happy that MSUD was apart of the selection for the metabolic diet app.

The MSUD Metabolic Diet App provides a nice summary of the metabolic syndrome. It goes over MSUD, why one should diet, and whom the app would benefit. I then proceed to make my own account and found the app even more helpful. 

The app allows you to put in individual recipes to check the protein, kcal, leucine, carbs, and fat.  Also the foods eaten that day and the amount eaten can be calculated to help keep track of protein and leucine intake. There is an option to put in the max amount of mg of leucine daily intake and the remaining amount that can be obtained that day. 

Another option that I very much liked is it has an option to create recipes. Individual foods can be put in and their amount to help calculate the amount that can be received.  I also like that their is a log that helps track your progress and levels.

Overall this app seems like a good start for those with MSUD. I think it would help with keeping individuals on track with their diet, measurement, weighing, and protein and leucine levels. This app, as they state, should not be in the place of ones primary physician and dietary physician plans and recommendations but merely as support. 

I would recommend this app to those suffering with MSUD and parents. 

Sources: The app -

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