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Sunday, November 29, 2015

MSUD Support Groups

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Support Groups for MSUD
I found this photo and had to pick it. I love how the maple leaves are all tied to together and become one whole group. I think that is so important for metabolic syndromes. It's hard to live with MSUD and being connected with people who are going through what one is going through and truly can say I understand, and mean it, can help a lot.

I encourage those who are going through MSUD or any other metabolic syndromes to join a support group. I think everyone can learn from each other and I believe it can make a life long impact. 

Through my search on support groups my favorite group is the non-profit MSUD Family Support Group.

Address: 9517 Big Bear Ave
Powell, OH 43065 United States

Phone Number: 6143892739



This website has the most information and help available to the public that I found. They are not just filled with facts like one would find on the Mayo Clinic, WebMD, and scholarly journals. They have facts on testing, treatment, how to handle sick days, but also research and how to get connected with others. They have a newsletter that goes out and provide information on upcoming events. They want the world to be more aware of MSUD, more support for people living with MSUD, and people's stories with MSUD to be known.

Overall this is my favorite support group I have found and would recommend at least checking them out and contacting them.

Also for more information on this support group I would recommend taking a look at NORD (National Organization for Rare Diseases).

The only other support group I found was from Daily Strength, but I only found forums and posts with questions, but there were not many recent posts and the website was not as organized as MSUD Family Support.
Here is the link to the website:

If there is anyone who knows of another support group that has helped you or anyone you know please leave a comment and let me know. Also encourage others who have MSUD or any other disease to find a support group and start getting connected.

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